Fairchild, Jennifer TS#1988102156

Born: October 21, 1984 Winchester, VA

Raised: Winchester, VA

High School: Class of 2002 John Handley High School

Class of 2006 University of Richmond

Robbins School of Business

Father: Mitchell Fairchild 1932-2030

Mother: Martha (Lee) Fairchild 1945-2058

Siblings: Jefferson Fairchild 1969-2031

Wallace Fairchild 1971-1991

Benjamin Fairchild 1973-2062

Marital Status: Single

Offspring: None

Hired by Hoagland: June 2006 Director of Operations

April 2023 Chief Executive Officer

Transferred to Synthetic: May 15, 2022

Jennifer's father was a middle level manager for a military contractor retiring in 2000. Her mother was a secretary in the records department in the City of Winchester, Virginia, retiring in 1965 before the birth of her eldest child. The family was an upper-middle class household. Jennifer was the youngest child and the only daughter, She was doted on by both her parents and her brothers. By the time she was six, she was the only child left at home.

Jefferson Fairchild served as a USAF general at the Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center in Colorado. [He has been repeated used to move Pleiadean technology into Terran use without being aware of its origin.]

Wallace Fairchild was killed in the first Gulf War.

Benjamin Fairchild was a US State Department employee currently stationed in the People’s Republic of China.

[Jennifer was brought aboard the orbital platform on her fourth birthday and given her first genetic modification. Every three years, until 2006, she was brought to the orbital platform on her birthday and given a minor upgrade to her modifications. In 2006, her H.E.R. was at the top of the chart at 5.0 with a telekinesis of 3. In 2003, she was also given an experimental telomeral treatment to halt aging.]

Jennifer was a straight A student, president of the Honor Society, captain of the Debate Team, head cheerleader and a member of the swim team. She graduated Valedictorian from her high school. Her boyfriend for four years was the captain of the football team. She broke up with him the night of graduation. She then went to Richmond to study Business Administration at the University of Richmond, Robins School of Business. She graduated with a 4.0 grade point average.

She spent a few weeks travelling across the country in a Mercedes convertible she borrowed from the son of a cabinet member and then travelled to Titusville, Florida where she set up the offices for the Hoagland Institute as the representative of the Director, who had not yet arrived.

[Prior to 2006, the Director had managed the Hoagland Institute from the orbital platform. Jennifer set up all Titusville operations as the face of the Institute in the absence of the director. She currently served as the Director’s assistant until the schism between the Pleiadean administrators and scientists. With little to no oversite coming from the Pleiadeans, she gave herself the title of Operations Director. In June of 2022, Jennifer Fairchild received a Full Synthetic Implant using the new Lacroix method. She receives an annual salary of $500,000 and a home in the Coral Gables gated community although she lives within her penthouse office in Titusville.

After the departure of the Pleiadeans, Jennifer assumed full managerial control of all Hoagland Institute activities.]