Piper, Patricia TS#2014021417
Born: November 18, 2001 Houme, LA
Raised: Houme, LA
High School: Class of 2019 Terrebonne High School
Father: Waylon Duprey (1982-2019)
Mother: Ruby Piper (1984-2030)
Siblings: None
Marital Status: Single
Hired by Hoagland: November 2019 Lab Tech III
Pamela’s parents were unmarried and only casually acquainted. Her father was in Terrebonne Parish Jail on breaking and entering charges when she was born. They never met. As a child, Pamela was left alone in her mother’s trailer on numerous occasions while her mother drank and had casual encounters with men. Despite poor school attendance, she maintained a C- average which dramatically improved during the eighth grade. She graduated high school third in her class.
Pamela had been brought to the orbital platform and evaluated in February of 2014. She was approved for augmentation in a program of three small genetic modifications and one larger modification scheduled for 2019. The H.E.R. after the first modification was 1.542 with the highest scores being in intelligence and initiative each at 3.0.
The second genetic modification was early in 2015 with an estimated H.E.R. of 1.875. Again, the highest readings were in intelligence and initiative, now each estimated at 3.5. The third modification occurred in 2016 and yielded an untested H.E.R. of 2.25. Her top ratings remain in intelligence and initiative scoring a 4.0 in each.
She adopted every stray animal she encountered in and around the trailer park and spent time around the animal shelter growing up. After graduation from high school, she enrolled in classes to become a veterinarian assistant but dropped out suddenly and took a position at the Hoagland Institute in Merritt Island.
The final scheduled modification was performed at Merritt Island so an accurate H.E.R. could be measured. The score after her last scheduled augmentation was 4.083 topping out five categories. The 3-1 schedule was deemed a success.
On Halloween night, she found her father at a bar in Thibodaux, LA. It was later determined that she had actively searched for him for over a month. Pamela lured him to a motel where she engaged in a sexual encounter with him and then killed him, fracturing his skull with an ashtray. Two parish patrol officers attempted to apprehend her the next day, but she disarmed them without incident. However, on November 2nd, a Houme police office confronted her and she broke three of his ribs, several wrist bones and his nose. Captain MacAvoy and Staff Sergeant Baker retrieved Pamela that evening and brought her back to Merritt Island where she remained tanked until the 7th.
On the 7th an addition genetic modification was administered which topped out all of her scores as an augment with a full 5.0 and assumably controlling any negative impulses. The memory of the encounter with her father was filtered out and she was assigned medical duties with the laboratory. The procedure used to counter negative impulses was later condemned as an "emotional lobotomy" and its use was discontinued.
Piper, Penny MAY2234020882
Penny Piper is an employee of Sophia Forke. She manages the harvesting and processing of river oysters in the Maternity River.