Kwan, Teresa TS#2003051255

Born: September 22, 2003 Homestead, FL

Raised: Homestead, FL

High School: Quit 2019 Homestead High School

2023 GED

Father: Arthur George Hamlin 1855-2023

Mother: Ha-Rin Kwan 1982-2015

Siblings: none

Marital Status: Single

Offspring: Byron Davis 2114-?

Hired by Hoagland: October 2021 Janitorial Staff

December 2021 Security, Special Assignments

May 2025 Independant Asset on Retainer

Transferred to Synthetic: November 15, 2021

Teresa's mother emigrated to the United States from Korea with her mother, Soo-Min Kwan, and her father, Pak Kwan, in 1990 settling in Miami.  Pak Kwan died in Hurricane Andrew in 1992.  Soo-Min and Ha-Rin moved to the Gateway West Mobile Home Park in Homestead in 1994.  Ha-Rin was addicted to cocaine before leaving Miami and used cocaine and other drugs regularly during her pregnancy in 2003.  In 2004, Ha-Rin moved back to Miami, leaving Teresa with her mother (Teresa's grandmother).  In Miami, she worked as a prostitute, dying of a heroin overdose in 2015.

In December of 2002, Ha-Rin had been brought aboard the Pleiadean orbital platform and tested by Ailrinni.  Although Ha-Rin herself was found to be unsuitable for augmentation, Ailrinni was intrigued by the chemical cocktail of drugs in her bloodstream, and she was impregnated with genetic material from Arthur Hamlin creating the child that would become Teresa.  The number of times Airinni impregnated women with material from Hamlin remains unknown.  In May of 2003, Ha-Rin was brought back to the platform and Ailrinni examined the fetus performing the first of Teresa's genetic modifications.  Estimates based on the initial augmentation coupled with traits inherited from Hamlin place Treesa's H.E.R. with 1.5 readings across the board.       

Teresa was raised by her grandmother, Soo-Min Kwan (1954-2021) in Homestead. Teresa was a habitual run-away who rarely attended school.

In 2018, Teresa was sent to the lab at the Homestead Air Base via the orbital platform's light beam.  Although many of the subjects from this generation of modification (including all male subjects) were marked for termination, Teresa was considered an unqualified success.  She was estimated to have an H.E.R. of 2.083 and she was approved for future modifications.  She was given a memory wipe and turned over to Staff Sargent Pauline MacAvoy for return. 

That night, Teresa was found naked in an open field east of the Homestead-Miami Racetrack. She claimed to have escaped after being held against her will in a laboratory within the Homestead Air Base and subjected to medical experimentation. Her claims were never substantiated. No tox screening was done, she was a known serial runaway and she smelled of marijuana so she was returned to her grand-mother’s mobile home.

In 2020, Teresa was hired as a tour guide at the Coral Castle but resigned suddenly in August of 2021 after claiming to have witnessed craft hovering over the area shining blue lights down onto the structures. One of the beams, she said, struck her and left her dizzy and disoriented. It was later determined that these were aircraft entering and leaving Homestead Air Base. Police reports speculated that Teresa was under the influence of alcohol and marijuana.  That night Teresa had been brought back aboard the orbital platform for a final round of genetic enhancements and augmentations in August of 2021. As she was unaware of her enhancements and they had not manifested themselves outwardly apart from her physique, her true H.E.R. was unknown, but it was estimated to be 2.708.

In October 2021, Teresa was approached while at a temporary employment agency and offered a job at the Hoagland Institute. She relocated to Titusville working overnight in the custodial department. The job included a free company apartment which she shared with two other workers. One week after arriving in Titusville, she saw Major Pauline MacAvoy and broke through her memory blocks of the experimentation in Homestead and remembering her sexual abuse by MacAvoy. She became violent. When two institute security officers attempted to subdue her, she badly injured both, shattering the spine of one of the men. Major MacAvoy was able to restrain her, and she was shipped to Merritt Island for an emergency synthetic implantation. During the struggle, she made the accusation that Major MacAvoy had used “mind control” on her and initiated an unwanted sexual encounter in 2008. As Miss Kwang was a minor at the time and the use of pheromonal controls on a test subject would be a violation of protocol an investigation was begun but promptly halted by the director.  In December of that same year, she was transferred to the research department changing her pay from $12.00/hour to $1500/week.

Teresa’s H.E.R. had been estimated at 2.7, but after the encounter with Major MacAvoy and the security officers, it was found that the H.E.R of her augmented form was above 3.9, more than 120 percent greater than baseline human than estimated. A reevaluation of all augmented test subjects not aware of their abilities was recommended.

Although it was done involuntarily, Teresa was the first full synthetic implantation. It was categorized a complete success. The H.E.R. of the synthetic was 7.25 with a plus 0.1 telekinetic. She scored highest in Precognition, Strength, Agility and Recovery.

Teresa’s grandmother, Soo-Min Kwang, attempted to contact her in November 2021. Major MacAvoy personally went to Homestead to terminate the grandmother.

Teresa was assigned to the Merritt Island research facility although she had no active duties other than to sit through numerous tests. She participated in the capture of Bambina DeMarco in February of 2022. Shortly thereafter she was reassigned to security where she worked as an independent agent. In May of 2022, Teresa was given the Lacroix upgrade which brought her H.E.R. to 9.133.

In 2025, Teresa was removed from the Security department and placed on retainer. From that time on she acted as a free agent for the Hoagland Institute, MJ12 and the American CIA.

TK Proto 0001

Decanted: 2024 Zeta Reticuli

Marital Status: 2024-2025 Terran B-0088